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10176 Novianty Djafri Novianty Djafri : CERTIFICATE OF PLAGIARISM CHECK The Strategy of Independent Entrepreneurship Management pdf 165
10177 Novianty Djafri Novianty Djafri : Jurnal Internasional The Strategy of Independent Entrepreneurship Management pdf 804
10178 Novianty Djafri Novianty Djafri : Jurnal Internasional Relationship of Personal Competence and Managerial Competency of Business Organizers with the Quality of School Administration Services in Man Gorontalo Graduates pdf 583
10179 Novianty Djafri Novianty Djafri : PEER REVIEW The Strategy of Independent Entrepreneurship Management pdf 185
10180 Novianty Djafri Novianty Djafri : PEER REVIEW Relationship of Personal Competence and Managerial Competency of Business Organizers with the Quality of School Administration Services in Man Gorontalo Graduates pdf 176
10181 Novianty Djafri Novianty Djafri : Revision Certificate of Plagiarism Rekonstruksi Model Kecerdasan Emosi Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Atas (SLTA) Di Provinsi Gorontalo Dalam Menghadapi Mea Di Era Globalisasi pdf 152
10182 Novianty Djafri Novianty Djafri : Revision Certificate of Plagiarism Management Leadership in the Promotion of Village Farmer Softskill Information Technology in the Province of Gorontalo pdf 150
10183 Novianty Djafri Novianty Djafri : Revision Certificate of Plagiarism Effect of Emotical Intelligence and Competitivi Advantages of Leadership Effectiveness of Principal Advance Level of The Whole Province Gorontalo pdf 151
10184 Novianty Djafri Novianty Djafri : Revision Certificate of Plagiarism Entrepreneurial Intelligence Management pdf 130
10185 Novianty Djafri Novianty Djafri : Revision Certificate of Plagiarism The School Principals' Strategies for Effective School Development in Primary Schools in Bulango Timur, Gorontalo pdf 147
10186 Novianty Djafri Novianty Djafri : Revision Certificate of Plagiarism The Influence of Independence and Advantage Competitiveness on the Emotional Intelligence of High Schools Principals’ Leadership in Gorontalo Province pdf 142
10187 Novianty Djafri Novianty Djafri : Revision Certificate of Plagiarism Mapping of Leadership Species Protection for the Sustainable Economic Growth of Local Communities pdf 166
10188 Novianty Djafri Novianty Djafri : Revision Certificate of Plagiarism The Administrative Management Capacity of Village Chief pdf 155
10189 Novianty Djafri Novianti Djafri : Revision Certificate of Plagiarism Quality of Services Personnel Management in Developing Cultural Education School pdf 143
10190 Novianty Djafri Novianti Djafri : Revision Certificate of Plagiarism The Competence of Administrative Employees in Archive Management at Vocational High School (SMK) in Gorontalo Regency pdf 157
10191 Novianty Djafri Novianti Djafri : Revision Certificate of Plagiarism Relationship of Personal Competence and Managerial Competency of Business Organizers with the Quality of School Administration Services in Man Gorontalo Graduates pdf 222
10192 Novianty Djafri Novianti Djafri : Revision Certificate of Plagiarism The Strategy of Independent Entrepreneurship Management pdf 218
10193 Novianty Djafri Novianti Djafri : Revision of Plagiarism by Turnitin Mapping of Leadership Species Protection for The Sustainable Economic Growth of Local Comuunities pdf 204
10194 Novianty Djafri Novianti Djafri : Revision of Plagiarism by Turnitin The Strategy of Independent Enterpreneurship Management pdf 206
10195 Novianty Djafri Novianty Djafri : Turnitin Reconstruction Of The Emotional Intelligence Management Model Of Leadership Of Advanced Schools In The Gorontalo Province pdf 59
10196 Novianty Djafri Novianty Djafri : Turnitin Leadership Management Of Village Heads Based On Soft Skill Development Of Coastal Communities In Indonesia pdf 62
10197 Novianty Djafri Novianty Djafri : Koresponden Leadership Management Of Village Heads Based On Soft Skill Development Of Coastal Communities In Indonesia pdf 96
10198 Novianty Djafri Novianty Djafri : Turnitin Student Activities on the Topic of Light Properties through Experimental Methods in Elementary School in Gorontalo Provinc pdf 74
10199 Novianty Djafri Novianty Djafri : Supervisi akademik dan kompetensi pendidik pdf 103
10200 Novianty Djafri Novianty Djafri : Pendidikan karakter di masyarakat : studi karakter di Torosiaje pdf 101