
Halaman 628 dari 684
Jumlah Total Unduh : 34463400
Total Koleksi Digital : 17100
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15676 Hanisah Hanafi The Roles of Schools and Teachers in Building Students’ Character in Digital Era: The Students’ Perspective pdf 182
15677 Faiza A.Dali The Sensory Hedonic Quality and Physical Characteristic Effect of Kappachcus Alvarezii Seaweed and Catfish Bone on Traditional Food Ilabulo Catfish (Pangasius sp.) pdf 1776
15678 Rita Marsuci Harmain The Sensory Hedonic Quality and Physical Characteristics Effect of Kappahycus Alvarezii Seaweed and Catfish Bone on Traditional Food Ilabulo Catfish (Pangasius sp.) pdf 981
15679 Yuszda K. Salimi The Sorghum Sarealia Functional Foods Utilization to Prevent Cancer in Food Diversification Efforts pdf 204
15680 Sayama Malabar The Tondano�s Adjective pdf 1335
15681 Lusiana Margareth Tijow The Urgency Principle "Adati Hula Hula Sareati, Sareati Hula Hula to Kitabullah" In Gorontalo in the Legal Protection Toward Women as the Victims of Violence pdf 187
15682 Ayuddin The Use Of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer As a External Confinement In a Circular Column pdf 764
15683 Hasanuddin Fatsah The Use Of English in Teaching Science And Mathematics At RSBI Public Junior High School 1 Gorontalo. pdf
15684 Sri Agriyanti Mestari The Use of Authentic Materials in Teaching Grammar for EFL Students (Teacher's Perspective) pdf 471
15685 Helena Badu The Use of Blanket Game to Increase Students’ English Vocabulary pdf 581
15686 Karmila Machmud The Use of Code Switching and Code Mixing in Facilitating English as A Foreing Language (EFL Insturctions) in Khairun University pdf 380
15687 Rama Hiola The Welfare of Fishermen in Gorontalo Using Structural Equation Modelling pdf 602
15688 La Nane The abundance and distribution patterns of sea urchins in Botubarani waters, Tomini Bay, Indonesia pdf 532
15689 Ramli Utina The abundance and diversity of Mollusks in mangrove ecosystem at coastal area of North Sulawesi, Indonesia pdf 346
15690 Nurlaila Husain The analysis of illocutionary act in “Motolobalango” (Marriage custom in Gorontalo) pdf 438
15691 Lis M. Yapanto The coastal communities and the alternative income (Case study in Tomini Bay) pdf 166
15692 Ramli Utina The composition of mangrove species in coastal area of Banggai District, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. pdf 152
15693 Marike Mahmud The content of mercury in sediments around Artisanal Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM) Bumela district, Gorontalo Regency, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia pdf 239
15694 Lis M. Yapanto The contribution of the fisheries and marine sectors to improving regional income pdf 153
15695 Idris Yanto Niode The determinant of the improvement of sales volume by small medium enterprises that sell processed food in Gorontalo Regency pdf 248
15696 Nurfaika The determination of groundwater flow system using several deterministic and classical methods in Limboto-Gorontalo Lowland, Gorontalo Province pdf 230
15697 Lis M. Yapanto The effect of CRM on employee performance in banking industry pdf 158
15698 Idris Yanto Niode The effect of management capability and entrepreneurial orientation on business performance through business strategy as an intervening variable pdf 253
15699 Abdul Haris Odja The effectiveness of implementation cooperative learning model oriented life skills for the 21st century to improve writing science skills in physics concepts pdf 225
15700 Resmawan The existence of Neimark-Sacker bifurcation on a discrete-time SIS-Epidemic model incorporating logistic growth and allee effect pdf 141