No |
Pengunggah |
Unggahan |
Tipe |
Unduh |
15751 |
Tirtawaty Abdul |
Tirtawaty Abdjul : HKI Pembelajaran Fisika Berbasis Virtual-Lab |
pdf |
1642 |
15752 |
Tirtawaty Abdul |
Tirtawaty Abdjul : HKI Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Berbasis Virtual Laboratory pada Mata Pelajaran Fisika dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa SMA NEgeri 1 Gorontalo |
pdf |
654 |
15753 |
Tirtawaty Abdul |
Tirtawaty Abdjul : Model Development Research-Based Learning on Learning Course in Faculty MIPA State University Gorontalo |
pdf |
299 |
15754 |
Tirtawaty Abdul |
Tirtawaty Abdjul : Peereviewer Buku model pembelajaran Ryleac |
pdf |
161 |
15755 |
Tirtawaty Abdul |
Tirtawaty Abdjul : Peereviewer Developing Device of Learning Based on Virtual Laboratory through Phet Simulation for Physics Lesson with Sound Material |
pdf |
143 |
15756 |
Tirtawaty Abdul |
Tirtawaty Abdjul : Peereviewer Development of Virtual Laboratory-Based of Learning to Improve Physics Learning Outcomes of High School Students |
pdf |
143 |
15757 |
Tirtawaty Abdul |
Tirtawaty Abdjul : Peereviewer HKI Pembelajaran Fisika Berbasis Virtual-Lab |
pdf |
171 |
15758 |
Tirtawaty Abdul |
Tirtawaty Abdjul : Peereviewer HKI Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Berbasis Virtual Laboratory pada Mata Pelajaran Fisika dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa SMA NEgeri 1 Gorontalo |
pdf |
172 |
15759 |
Tirtawaty Abdul |
Tirtawaty Abdjul : Peereviewer Model Development Research-Based Learning on Learning Course in Faculty MIPA State University Gorontalo |
pdf |
141 |
15760 |
Tirtawaty Abdul |
Tirtawaty Abdjul : Peereviewer Pembelajaran berbasis Virtual Laboratorium terhadap Keterampilan Proses Sains |
pdf |
137 |
15761 |
Tirtawaty Abdul |
Tirtawaty Abdjul : Peereviewer Penerapan Media Pembelajaran Virtual Laboratory Berbasis Phet terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Materi Gelombang |
pdf |
161 |
15762 |
Tirtawaty Abdul |
Tirtawaty Abdjul : Peereviewer Pengaruh Penerapan Pembelajaran Berbasis Virtual Laboratory Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Konsep Gelombang Bunyi dan Cahaya di SMA Kabupaten Bone Bolago |
pdf |
162 |
15763 |
Tirtawaty Abdul |
Tirtawaty Abdjul : Peereviewer Peningkatkan Kreativitas Siswa Melalui Penggunaan Kit Ipa Pada Pembelajaran Fisika |
pdf |
118 |
15764 |
Tirtawaty Abdul |
Tirtawaty Abdjul : Peereviewer The Application of the Ryleac Learning Model in the Concept of Electricity and Magnet towards the Improvement of Students’ Process Skill at Physics Department |
pdf |
126 |
15765 |
Tirtawaty Abdul |
Tirtawaty Abdjul : Peereviewer The Development Of Inquiry By Learning Cycle (Ryleac) Model On Electricity And Magnetic Concept To Increase Science Process Skill And The Academic Achievement Of Students |
pdf |
123 |
15766 |
Tirtawaty Abdul |
Tirtawaty Abdjul : Pembelajaran berbasis Virtual Laboratorium terhadap Keterampilan Proses Sains |
pdf |
446 |
15767 |
Tirtawaty Abdul |
Tirtawaty Abdjul : Penerapan Media Pembelajaran Virtual Laboratory Berbasis Phet terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Materi Gelombang |
pdf |
787 |
15768 |
Tirtawaty Abdul |
Tirtawaty Abdjul : Pengaruh Penerapan Pembelajaran Berbasis Virtual Laboratory Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Konsep Gelombang Bunyi dan Cahaya di SMA Kabupaten Bone Bolago |
pdf |
351 |
15769 |
Tirtawaty Abdul |
Tirtawaty Abdjul : Peningkatkan Kreativitas Siswa Melalui Penggunaan Kit Ipa Pada Pembelajaran Fisika |
pdf |
239 |
15770 |
Tirtawaty Abdul |
Tirtawaty Abdjul : The Application of the Ryleac Learning Model in the Concept of Electricity and Magnet towards the Improvement of Students’ Process Skill at Physics Department |
pdf |
175 |
15771 |
Tirtawaty Abdul |
Tirtawaty Abdjul : The Development Of Inquiry By Learning Cycle (Ryleac) Model On Electricity And Magnetic Concept To Increase Science Process Skill And The Academic Achievement Of Students |
pdf |
444 |
15772 |
Tirtawaty Abdul |
Tirtawaty Abdjul : Turnitin Developing Device of Learning Based on Virtual Laboratory through Phet Simulation for Physics Lesson with Sound Material |
pdf |
163 |
15773 |
Tirtawaty Abdul |
Tirtawaty Abdjul : Turnitin Model Development Research-Based Learning on Learning Course in Faculty MIPA State University Gorontalo |
pdf |
176 |
15774 |
Tirtawaty Abdul |
Tirtawaty Abdjul : Turnitin The Development Of Inquiry By Learning Cycle (Ryleac) Model On Electricity And Magnetic Concept To Increase Science Process Skill And The Academic Achievement Of Students |
pdf |
160 |
15775 |
Tirtawaty Abdul |
Tirtawaty Abdjul : TurnitinThe Application of the Ryleac Learning Model in the Concept of Electricity and Magnet towards the Improvement of Students’ Process Skill at Physics Department |
pdf |
161 |