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16526 Yayu Indriati Arifin Yayu Indriati Arifin : Peereviewer The prototypes of energy-efficient residential Building with metal roof in Gorontalo, Indonesia pdf 107
16527 Yayu Indriati Arifin Yayu Indriati Arifin : Peereviewer Threats to Food Safety and Sustainability of Nike (Awaous melanocephalus) in Gorontalo Province pdf 127
16528 Yayu Indriati Arifin Yayu Indriati Arifin : Peereviewer Toxic Metal Concentrations of Human Hair in Downstream of ASGM Sites in Bone Bolango Regency, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia pdf 125
16529 Yayu Indriati Arifin Yayu Indriati Arifin : Prior Study for the Biology and Economic Condition as Rapidly Environmental Change of Limboto Lake in Gorontalo, Indonesia pdf 134
16530 Yayu Indriati Arifin Yayu Indriati Arifin : Studi Fasies Formasi Endapan Danau Untuk Menentukan Lingkungan Pengendapan Danau Limboto pdf 158
16531 Yayu Indriati Arifin Yayu Indriati Arifin : The Potential of Gorontalo Province as Global Geopark pdf 139
16532 Yayu Indriati Arifin Yayu Indriati Arifin : The prototypes of energy-efficient residential Building with metal roof in Gorontalo, Indonesia pdf 172
16533 Yayu Indriati Arifin Yayu Indriati Arifin : Threats to Food Safety and Sustainability of Nike (Awaous melanocephalus) in Gorontalo Province pdf 215
16534 Yayu Indriati Arifin Yayu Indriati Arifin : Toxic Metal Concentrations of Human Hair in Downstream of ASGM Sites in Bone Bolango Regency, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia pdf 134
16535 Yayu Indriati Arifin Yayu Indriati Arifin : Turnitin Approaches to sustain microhydro power plants (MHPP) operation in rural areas of Gorontalo Regency, Indonesia pdf 132
16536 Yayu Indriati Arifin Yayu Indriati Arifin : Turnitin Artisanal and small-scale gold mining activities and mercury exposure in Gorontalo Utara Regency, Indonesia pdf 178
16537 Yayu Indriati Arifin Yayu Indriati Arifin : Turnitin Geochemistry analysis of geothermal water in Tulabolo Timur, Sulawesi, Indonesia pdf 115
16538 Yayu Indriati Arifin Yayu Indriati Arifin : Turnitin Geochemistry characteristics of the hungayono geothermal area for the development of clean energy in gorontalo province pdf 99
16539 Yayu Indriati Arifin Yayu Indriati Arifin : Turnitin Geological study of Pantai Indah for geotourism development based on geological observation and assessment of science, education, tourism and the risk degradation pdf 116
16540 Yayu Indriati Arifin Yayu Indriati Arifin : Turnitin Hair Mercury Levels of Inhabitants and Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining (ASGM) Workers in Western Part of Gorontalo Province, Indonesia pdf 119
16541 Yayu Indriati Arifin Yayu Indriati Arifin : Turnitin Heavy Metals Concentrations In Scalp Hairs Of ASGM Miners And Inhabitants Of The Gorontalo Utara Regency pdf 105
16542 Yayu Indriati Arifin Yayu Indriati Arifin : Turnitin Impacts of Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining (ASGM) on Environment and Human Health of Gorontalo Utara Regency, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia pdf 121
16543 Yayu Indriati Arifin Yayu Indriati Arifin : Turnitin Mapping of Health Disorders Related to Mercury on Community around the Bone River, Gorontalo Province pdf 144
16544 Yayu Indriati Arifin Yayu Indriati Arifin : Turnitin Mechanism of the Rapid Shrinkage of Limboto Lake in Gorontalo, Indonesia pdf 113
16545 Yayu Indriati Arifin Yayu Indriati Arifin : Turnitin Mercury exposure from small scale gold mining activities and neurological symptoms on inhabitants and miners: a case study in Bolaang Mongondow, North Sulawesi Province, Indonesia pdf 108
16546 Yayu Indriati Arifin Yayu Indriati Arifin : Turnitin Prior Study for the Biology and Economic Condition as Rapidly Environmental Change of Limboto Lake in Gorontalo, Indonesia pdf 171
16547 Yayu Indriati Arifin Yayu Indriati Arifin : Turnitin Prior Study for the Biology and Economic Condition as Rapidly Environmental Change of Limboto Lake in Gorontalo, Indonesia pdf 94
16548 Yayu Indriati Arifin Yayu Indriati Arifin : Turnitin Surface and subsurface analysis based on the geological structure and electrical resistivity Data in Gorontalo Outer Ring Road (GORR), Huidu Utara pdf 98
16549 Yayu Indriati Arifin Yayu Indriati Arifin : Turnitin The Potential of Gorontalo Province as Global Geopark pdf 189
16550 Yayu Indriati Arifin Yayu Indriati Arifin : Turnitin The prototypes of energy-efficient residential Building with metal roof in Gorontalo, Indonesia pdf 122