No |
Pengunggah |
Unggahan |
Tipe |
Unduh |
16551 |
Zulaecha Ngiu |
Zulaecha Ngiu : The Influence of the Work Culture and the Work Environment towards the Performance of the Civil Servants in Bone Bolango Government, Indonesia |
pdf |
208 |
16552 |
Zulaecha Ngiu |
Zulaecha Ngiu : The Influence of the Work Culture and the Work Environment towards the Performance of the Civil Servants in Bone Bolango Government, Indonesia |
pdf |
94 |
16553 |
Zulaecha Ngiu |
Zulaecha Ngiu : The Role of Citizens Education in Building Community Solidarity |
pdf |
157 |
16554 |
Zulaecha Ngiu |
Zulaecha Ngiu : The role of citizens education in building community solidarity |
pdf |
227 |
16555 |
Zulaecha Ngiu |
Zulaecha Ngiu : Turnitin An Analysis of Citizenship Education Teachers’ Competence Based on Clinical Supervision |
pdf |
89 |
16556 |
Zulaecha Ngiu |
Zulaecha Ngiu : Turnitin Multicultural Education In Strengthening National Beware Of Radicalism Threats In Indonesia |
pdf |
107 |
16557 |
Zulaecha Ngiu |
Zulaecha Ngiu : Turnitin The Importance of Value Education for Children Nation |
pdf |
87 |
16558 |
Zulaecha Ngiu |
Zulaecha Ngiu : Turnitin The Influence of the Work Culture and the Work Environment towards the Performance of the Civil Servants in Bone Bolango Government, Indonesia |
pdf |
109 |
16559 |
Zulaecha Ngiu |
Zulaecha Ngiu : Turnitin The Role of Citizens Education in Building Community Solidarity |
pdf |
79 |
16560 |
Zulaecha Ngiu |
Zulaecha Ngiu : multifaceted review journal in the field of pharmacy 577 Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy Vol 11, Issue 7, Jul-Aug 2020 Transformational or Transactional Leadership Style: Which Affects Work Satisfaction and Performance of Islamic University |
pdf |
287 |
16561 |
Resmawan |
[Aljabar Linear] : Diagonalisasi |
pdf |
18008 |
16562 |
Resmawan |
[Aljabar Linear] : Nilai Eigen dan Vektor Eigen |
pdf |
12879 |
16563 |
Resmawan |
[Kalkulus] : Integral Berulang |
pdf |
3588 |
16564 |
Resmawan |
[Kalkulus] : Integral Lipat pada Daerah Bukan Persegi Panjang |
pdf |
5637 |
16565 |
Resmawan |
[PRODI MATEMATIKA] Penetapan Pembimbing Tugas Akhir |
pdf |
417 |
16566 |
Resmawan |
[Pemodelan Matematika] : Template Pelaporan Tugas Akhir |
docx |
522 |
16567 |
Resmawan |
[Referensi Mata Kuliah]: An Introduction to Mathematical Modelling |
pdf |
48725 |
16568 |
Resmawan |
[Referensi Mata Kuliah]: Principles of Mathematical Modelling |
pdf |
1432 |
16569 |
Resmawan |
[SALINAN] Pedoman Operasional Beban Kinerja Dosen (PO BKD) 2021 |
pdf |
219 |
16570 |
Wenny Hulukati |
a. Inovasi pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran bahasa daerah Gorontalo pada anak usia dini dalam usaha pelestarian budaya Daerah |
pdf |
16571 |
Muhammad Amir Arham |
cakrawala perubahan.compressed.pdf |
pdf |
706 |
16572 |
Herson Kadir |
con serti |
147 |
16573 |
Rizan Machmud |
contoh rps |
pptx |
853 |
16574 |
Zuhriana K. Yusuf |
dampak merkuri terhadap kesehatan manusia di lokasi pertambangan emas kabupaten Gorontalo Utara, Indonesia |
pdf |
958 |
16575 |
Arbyn M.E. Dungga |
eJournal Builder |
pdf |
2835 |