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Jumlah Total Unduh : 32253324
Total Koleksi Digital : 16768
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16551 Zulaecha Ngiu Zulaecha Ngiu : The Influence of the Work Culture and the Work Environment towards the Performance of the Civil Servants in Bone Bolango Government, Indonesia pdf 208
16552 Zulaecha Ngiu Zulaecha Ngiu : The Influence of the Work Culture and the Work Environment towards the Performance of the Civil Servants in Bone Bolango Government, Indonesia pdf 94
16553 Zulaecha Ngiu Zulaecha Ngiu : The Role of Citizens Education in Building Community Solidarity pdf 157
16554 Zulaecha Ngiu Zulaecha Ngiu : The role of citizens education in building community solidarity pdf 227
16555 Zulaecha Ngiu Zulaecha Ngiu : Turnitin An Analysis of Citizenship Education Teachers’ Competence Based on Clinical Supervision pdf 89
16556 Zulaecha Ngiu Zulaecha Ngiu : Turnitin Multicultural Education In Strengthening National Beware Of Radicalism Threats In Indonesia pdf 107
16557 Zulaecha Ngiu Zulaecha Ngiu : Turnitin The Importance of Value Education for Children Nation pdf 87
16558 Zulaecha Ngiu Zulaecha Ngiu : Turnitin The Influence of the Work Culture and the Work Environment towards the Performance of the Civil Servants in Bone Bolango Government, Indonesia pdf 109
16559 Zulaecha Ngiu Zulaecha Ngiu : Turnitin The Role of Citizens Education in Building Community Solidarity pdf 79
16560 Zulaecha Ngiu Zulaecha Ngiu : multifaceted review journal in the field of pharmacy 577 Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy Vol 11, Issue 7, Jul-Aug 2020 Transformational or Transactional Leadership Style: Which Affects Work Satisfaction and Performance of Islamic University pdf 287
16561 Resmawan [Aljabar Linear] : Diagonalisasi pdf 18008
16562 Resmawan [Aljabar Linear] : Nilai Eigen dan Vektor Eigen pdf 12879
16563 Resmawan [Kalkulus] : Integral Berulang pdf 3588
16564 Resmawan [Kalkulus] : Integral Lipat pada Daerah Bukan Persegi Panjang pdf 5637
16565 Resmawan [PRODI MATEMATIKA] Penetapan Pembimbing Tugas Akhir pdf 417
16566 Resmawan [Pemodelan Matematika] : Template Pelaporan Tugas Akhir docx 522
16567 Resmawan [Referensi Mata Kuliah]: An Introduction to Mathematical Modelling pdf 48725
16568 Resmawan [Referensi Mata Kuliah]: Principles of Mathematical Modelling pdf 1432
16569 Resmawan [SALINAN] Pedoman Operasional Beban Kinerja Dosen (PO BKD) 2021 pdf 219
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16571 Muhammad Amir Arham cakrawala perubahan.compressed.pdf pdf 706
16572 Herson Kadir con serti DOC 147
16573 Rizan Machmud contoh rps pptx 853
16574 Zuhriana K. Yusuf dampak merkuri terhadap kesehatan manusia di lokasi pertambangan emas kabupaten Gorontalo Utara, Indonesia pdf 958
16575 Arbyn M.E. Dungga eJournal Builder pdf 2835