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Jumlah Total Unduh : 33538985
Total Koleksi Digital : 16922
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14301 Ivan Rahmad Santoso Smilitary Check Analysis of Regional Economic Competitiveness of Gorontalo Province (Case Study of Gorontalo Province Corn Commodity) pdf 170
14302 Ivan Rahmad Santoso Smilitary Check Buku Studi Pengembangan Sapi Potong Wilayah Kerjasama Utara-Utara pdf 244
14303 Ivan Rahmad Santoso Smilitary Check Konsep Akuntansi Syariah Pada Budaya Mahar pdf 121
14304 Ivan Rahmad Santoso Smilitary Check Konsep Marketing Berbasis Maqoshid Al-syari'i Imam Al-Ghazali pdf 160
14305 Ivan Rahmad Santoso Smilitary Check Model Pengembangan Industri Halal Era Revolusi Industri 4.0 pdf 163
14306 Ivan Rahmad Santoso Smilitary Check Nilai-Nilai Islam Dalam Manajemen (Studi Kasus BMT Nus Syuhada Kota Gorontalo) pdf 163
14307 Ivan Rahmad Santoso Smilitary Check Pelatihan Pemberdayaan Zakat Berbasis Masjid Untuk Peningkatan Ekonomi Masyarakat pdf 201
14308 Ivan Rahmad Santoso Smilitary Check Sosialisasi dan Pelatihan Implementasi Akad-Akad dan Produk Perbankan Syariah pdf 134
14309 Ivan Rahmad Santoso Smilitary Check Strategy for Optimizing Zakat Digitalization in Alleviation Poverty in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0 pdf 161
14310 Ivan Rahmad Santoso Smilitary Check The Impact of Government Infrastructure Spending on Economic Growth and Poverty in Gorontalo Province pdf 171
14311 Ivan Rahmad Santoso Smilitary Check The Influence of Government Expenditure in Education and Health Sector on The Poverty in Gorontalo pdf 137
14312 Ivan Rahmad Santoso Smilitary Check The Role of Islamic Financial Institutions in Supporting Economic Growth in the Digital Era: Case Study in Indonesia pdf 155
14313 Abdul Rahmat Social Capital, Leadership and Compensation against Entrepreneurial Behavior pdf 136
14314 Herlina Rasjid Social Media Marketing Untuk Meningkatkan Brand Image pdf 29099
14315 Ismet Sulila Social Network Harmonization and Public Service A Case Study of Boalemo, Indonesia pdf 195
14316 Asda Rauf Soils in the Bulia Micro Watershed of Gorontalo Province, Indonesia, and Their Quality Assessment pdf 119
14317 Nurdin Soils in the Bulia micro watershed of Gorontalo province, Indonesia, and their quality assessment pdf 332
14318 Karmila Machmud Solidarity and Politeness in Gorontalo: A Study on the Specific Address Forms in Gorontalo Language pdf 670
14319 Riana Diah Sitharesmi Soliloquies: A Movement-based Approach towards Beckett's Waiting for Godot pdf 193
14320 Akram La Kilo Solusi Rumus Derajat Keasaman Reaksi Asam Basa Pada Larutan Penyangga Dengan Metode Mol Awal (Rumus Akram) pdf
14321 Ilham Khairi Siregar Solution Focused Brief Counseling Teknik Thought Stoping untuk mengatasi Kecamasan Diri terhadap Isu Virus Corona-19 pdf 202
14322 Ronal Hutagalung Sosialisasi Aplikasi Keberadaan Ikan Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Tangkapan Nelayan pdf 396
14323 Arfan Utiarahman Sosialisasi Bangunan Sederhana Tahan Gempa pdf 1820
14324 Ruslan Sosialisasi Bentuk Latihan Small Side Game dalm Permainan Sepak Bola di SMP Se Kecamatan Tilongkabila Kab. Bone Bolango pdf 670
14325 Barry Yusuf Labdul Sosialisasi Daerah Sempadan Sungai untuk Mengantisipasi Banjir di Kelurahan Ipilo Kecamatan Kota Timur Kota Gorontalo pdf 120