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12601 Rieny Sulistijowati S. Rieny Sulistijowati : Antioxidant, Antibacterial And Antifungal Activity Of Edible Coating Chitosan-Galactose Complex pdf 108
12602 Rieny Sulistijowati S. Rieny Sulistijowati : Peereviewer Aktivitas Antibakteri Kitosan Kulit Udang Vaname (Litopenaeus Vannamei) terhadap Bakteri Kontaminan Bakso Ikan Tuna (Thunnus Sp.) pdf 108
12603 Ismet Sulila PLAGIARISM SCAN REPORT_The Effect of Cultural and Working Discipline on Performance of Civil Apparatus pdf 108
12604 Yuniarti Koniyo Suitable location map of floating net cage for environmentally friendly fish farming development with Geographic Information Systems applications in Lake Limboto, Gorontalo, Indonesia pdf 108
12605 Fory Armin Naway Fory Armin Nawai : Turnitin Review of Effective School Supervision Practice in Remote/Disadvantaged Area: A National and International Perspective pdf 108
12607 Ismet Sulila PEER REVIEW_Jurnal JCRS UNIMED_The Implementation of Regional Regulation Empowerment Of Street Vendors in the Central Market in the Gorontalo City pdf 108
12608 Sri Indriyani Dai Peer Review_Peningkatan Mutu Usaha Makanan Tradisional Kue Dumalo Di Desa Luwoo Kecamatan Talaga Jaya Kabupaten Gorontalo pdf 108
12609 Sri Indriyani Dai Peer Review_Does Agricultural Performance Contribute to Rural Poverty Reduction in Indonesia? pdf 108
12610 Nirwan Junus Nirwan Junus : Peereviewer HaKI Administrasi Proyek Nasional Agraria (PRONA) pdf 108
12611 Yayu Indriati Arifin The prototypes of energy-efficient residential Building with metal roof in Gorontalo, Indonesia pdf 108
12612 Sitti Roskina Mas Sitti Roskina Mas : Turnitin A Scalable Management Model for Developing Reading Habits in Children through "Proactive Reading" and "Early-Literacy-Awareness" Approach pdf 108
12613 Sitti Roskina Mas Sitti Roskina Mas : Peereviewer Pengembangan Instrumen Indeks Kinerja Sekolah (IKS) Untuk Meningkatkan Sinergitas Kemandirian Mutu Dan Inovasi Pengelolaan Sekolah pdf 108
12614 Fahrudin Zain Olilingo Fahrudin Zain Olilingo : Turnitin How Indonesia Economics Works: Correlation Analysis of Macroeconomics in 2010 - 2019 pdf 108
12615 Miftahul Khair Kadim Miftahul Khair Kadim : Penguji Skripsi a.n Dwitanti pdf 108
12616 Yuszda K. Salimi Peer Review Aktifitas Antioksidan dan Antikanker Tumbuhan Obat Miana (Coleus antropurpureus (L.) Benth) Asal Gorontalo pdf 108
12617 Miftahul Khair Kadim Miftahul Khair Kadim : Penguji Komprehensif a.n Abd. Kadir Jailani pdf 108
12618 Rauf A. Hatu Rauf A. Hatu : Turnitin Socio-economic Conditions in The Illegal Gold Miners Tulabolo Village, Gorontalo-in Indonesian pdf 108
12619 Andi Yusniar Mendo Peer Review Pengaruh Penerapan Assessment Centre Terhadap Prestasi Kerja Pada Karyawan PT. BPR Parodana Gorontalo pdf 108
12620 Rauf A. Hatu Rauf A. Hatu : Peereviewer Pemberdayaan Perempuan di Pesisir : Kelembagaan, Kemitraan dan Agensi Perempuan di Pesisir Utara Gorontalo pdf 108
12621 Isnawati Mohamad Peer Review The Concept Of The Design Of Contemporary Karawo Motifs In Teenagers Fashion pdf 108
12622 Mukhlisulfatih Latief Peer Review Gorontalo Medicinal Plants Image Identification System Using Artificial Neural Network with Back Propagation pdf 108
12623 Nur Mohamad Kasim Nur Mohammad Kasim : Peereviewer The Implementation Of Modest And Simple Principle To Mahr As A Contribution To The Indonesian Marriage Law pdf 108
12624 Muhammad Mukhtar Muhammad Mukhtar : Turnitin Effectiveness and Performance of Artificial Insemination Service Units in Supporting Agribusiness Programs and Increasing Beef Cattle Population in Pohuwato Regency pdf 108
12625 Muhammad Amir Arham Muhammad Amir Arham : Peereviewer Tantangan Perekonomian dan Penyehatan Fiskal Tahun 2017 pdf 108