No |
Pengunggah |
Unggahan |
Tipe |
Unduh |
14201 |
Rusmin Husain |
Rusmin Husain : Peereviewer Permasalahan Guru Dalam Menerapkan Penilaian Autentik di Sekolah Dasar |
pdf |
130 |
14202 |
Rusmin Husain |
Rusmin Husain : Peereviewer Problematika Guru dalam Menerapkan Kurikulum 2013 di Sekolah Dasar |
pdf |
130 |
14203 |
Miftahul Khair Kadim |
Miftahul Khair Kadim : Pembimbing Skripsi a.n Hendra Amasi |
pdf |
130 |
14204 |
Yayu Indriati Arifin |
Yayu Indriati Arifin : Turnitin Hair Mercury Levels of Inhabitants and Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining (ASGM) Workers in Western Part of Gorontalo Province, Indonesia |
pdf |
130 |
14205 |
Mutia Cherawaty Thalib |
Mutia Cherawaty Thalib : Turnitin Legal Design of Domestic Workers Protection Based on Gorontalo Community Local Culture |
pdf |
130 |
14206 |
Nur Mohamad Kasim |
Nur Mohammad Kasim : Peereviewer A Study on the Paradigm of Women Status in Indonesia Customary Law |
pdf |
130 |
14207 |
Muhammad Mukhtar |
Muhammad Mukhtar : Peereviewer Effectiveness and Performance of Artificial Insemination Service Units in Supporting Agribusiness Programs and Increasing Beef Cattle Population in Pohuwato Regency |
pdf |
130 |
14208 |
Muhammad Amir Arham |
Muhammad Amir Arham : Peereviewer Mewaspadai Perlambatan Ekonomi dan Menjaga Inflasi Gorontalo |
pdf |
130 |
14209 |
Muhammad Amir Arham |
Muhammad Amir Arham : Peereviewer Gorontalo Utara Wajah Ekonomi Kawasan Gorontalo Kedepan |
pdf |
130 |
14210 |
Rusdin Djibu |
pdf |
130 |
14211 |
Rusdin Djibu |
pdf |
130 |
14212 |
Ellyana Hinta |
Ellyana Hinta : Peereviewer Revealing The Cgaracter Value in "Kukisi Karawo" Culinary, A Traditional Cookies From Gorontalo |
pdf |
130 |
14213 |
Ellyana Hinta |
Ellyana Hinta : Peereviewer Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Karakter Tokoh “Lahilote” Cerita Rakyat Gorontalo |
pdf |
130 |
14214 |
Abdul Hamid Isa |
Abdul Hamid Isa : Peereviewer The Andragogy-Based Learning Model to Increase Functional Literacy Learning Motivation |
pdf |
130 |
14215 |
Dakia N. Djou |
Dakia N. DjoU : Peereviewer Strengthening The Character of the Young Generation Through Verbal Expressions of Oral Traditions in the Customary Process |
pdf |
130 |
14216 |
Rieny Sulistijowati S. |
Rieny Sulistijowati : Turnitin Chemical Quality of Dried Stingray (Dasyatis Sp.) Marinated with Belimbing Wuluh (Averrhoa Blimbi L.) |
pdf |
130 |
14217 |
Supriyo Imran |
Supriyo Imran: Peereviewer Analisis Nilai Tambah Pengolahan Kedelai Menjadi Tahu di Industri Rumah Tangga "PUTERI LIANA" Kota Gorontalo |
pdf |
130 |
14218 |
Mohamad Rusdiyanto U Puluhulawa |
Mohamad Rusdiyanto U Puluhulawa : Peereviewer Plastic Waste: Environmental Legal Issues and Policy Law Enforcement for Environmental Sustainability |
pdf |
130 |
14219 |
Mohamad Rusdiyanto U Puluhulawa |
Mohamad Rusdiyanto U Puluhulawa : Peereviewer Kebijakan Kriminal dalam Penanggulangan Tindak Pidana Penganiayaan Penggunakan Panah Wayer Oleh Anak di Kota Gorontalo (Studi Kasus Polres Gorontalo) |
pdf |
130 |
14220 |
Rustam I Husain |
Rustam I Husain : Turnitin Development Of Research-Based Learning To Increase Students’ Learning Ability |
pdf |
130 |
14221 |
Zuchri Abdussamad |
Zuchri Abdussamad : The Determinants of Personality Formation of Public Services in the Local Government of Pohuwato Regency, Gorontalo |
pdf |
130 |
14222 |
Juriko Abdussamad |
Juriko Abdussamad : Peereviewer Analisis Fungsi Perencanaan Pada Pengembangan Sistem Transportasi Publik Di Provinsi Gorontalo |
pdf |
130 |
14223 |
Wiwy Triyanty Pulukadang |
Wiwi Triyanty Pulukadang : Peereviewer School Supervision Practices in the Indonesian Education System; Perspectives and Challenge |
pdf |
130 |
14224 |
Tineke Wolok |
Turnitin Factors Determining the Effectiveness of Sharia Bank Marketing Management During the Covid 19 Pandemic in Gorontalo Province |
pdf |
130 |
14225 |
Muziatun |
Muziatun : Koresponden Morphological Interference On Students Writing |
pdf |
130 |