No |
Pengunggah |
Unggahan |
Tipe |
Unduh |
3051 |
Nonny Basalama |
Empowered Identity Teachers in Tomini Bay; do they still exist? |
pdf |
217 |
3052 |
Idris Yanto Niode |
Empowerment Strategy of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in Bone Bolango Regency |
pdf |
140 |
3053 |
Sri Indriyani Dai |
Empowerment Strategy of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in Bone Bolango Regency |
pdf |
222 |
3054 |
Abd. Wahidin Nuayi |
Enchancement of Photon Absorption on BaxSr1-xTiO3 Thin-Film Semiconductor Using Photonic Chrystal |
pdf |
455 |
3055 |
Akram La Kilo |
Energi Kisi Oksida Perovskit Penerapan Pembelajaran Berbasis Riset: Akram La Kilo |
pdf |
5986 |
3056 |
Rahman Taufiqrianto Dako |
Enghlish Language I Comming at University Unvestigation Students' Difficulties in Learning Writing Skills |
pdf |
3057 |
Isnawati Mohamad |
Engineering Design of Traditional Gorontalo Motif for Learning Karawo Embroidery |
pdf |
193 |
3058 |
Haris Danial |
English Interaction in EFL Context by Using The Virtual Platform at the Coastal Area School |
pdf |
270 |
3059 |
Titien Fatmawaty Mohammad |
English Learners Perception on Lecturers' Corrective Feedback |
pdf |
352 |
3060 |
Rahman Taufiqrianto Dako |
English Phonological Process Applied in Instagram Feed Video |
pdf |
106 |
3061 |
Rasuna Rasid Talib |
English for Communication |
pdf |
2787 |
3062 |
Moh. Syahrun Ibrahim |
English for Hotel: A Practical Guide |
pdf |
665 |
3063 |
Rasuna Rasid Talib |
English for Sociology |
pdf |
3300 |
3064 |
Adriansyah Abu Katili |
English poems as created by Indonesian Studens: A case study at state University of Gorontalo |
pdf |
452 |
3065 |
Abd. Wahidin Nuayi |
Enhancement of Photon Absorbtion on BaxSr1-xTiO3 Thin Film Semiconductor using Photonic Crystal |
pdf |
523 |
3066 |
Abd. Wahidin Nuayi |
Enhancement of Photon Absorbtion on BaxSr1-xTiO3 Thin Film Semiconductor using Photonic Crystal |
pdf |
3067 |
Moon Hidayati Otoluwa |
Enhancing Students' Achievement in Understanding Procedural Text Based on Local Content Materials |
pdf |
198 |
3068 |
Rama Hiola |
Ensemble Method Of Classification Tree On Diabetes Mellitus Patient Dr. M.M. Dunda Hospital Of Gorontalo dalam Journal of Health and Tourism Vol.5/No.1/2014 |
pdf |
622 |
3069 |
Sitti Roskina Mas |
Entrepreneurship Competence of School Principals to Support the Development of Income Generating Production Units in Public Vocational High Schools |
pdf |
378 |
3070 |
Endi Rahman |
Entrepreneurship Yang Efektif |
pdf |
38022 |
3071 |
Arbyn M.E. Dungga |
Entry data bibiliogaphy |
ppt |
1196 |
3072 |
Irwan |
Epidemiologi Penyakit Menular |
pdf |
3073 |
Lia Amalia |
Epidemiologi Penyakit Common cold di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Toto Utara Tahun 2010 – 2012 |
pdf |
862 |
3074 |
Irwan |
Epidemiologi Penyakit Menular |
pdf |
7234 |
3075 |
Irwan |
Epidemiologi Penyakit Tidak Menular |
pdf |