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12826 Citron S. Payu Peer Review HAKI: "Model Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Bagi Masyarakat Petani Melalui Diversifikasi" pdf 105
12827 Novendri M Nggilu Novendri M. Nggilu : Turnitin The Urgency of Gorontalo Traditional Cultural Regulation Expression as a Form of Legal Protection for National Culture pdf 105
12828 Rieny Sulistijowati S. Rieny Sulistijowati : Corespondensi Rendemen Kolagen Kulit Ikan Bandeng (Chanos chanos) Segar Hasil Ekstraksi Asam Asetat pdf 105
12829 Supriyo Imran Supriyo Imran: Peereviewer Analisis Nilai Tambah dan Margin Pemasaran Stick Jagung (Studi Kasus di UKM Flamboyan Kelurahan Moodu Kecamatan Timut Kota Gorontalo pdf 105
12830 Mohamad Rusdiyanto U Puluhulawa Mohamad Rusdiyanto U Puluhulawa : Peereviewer Whistle Blower dan Crown Witness dalam Proses Peradilan pdf 105
12831 Abid Abid : Korespondensi Exploring EFL Teacher Educators’ Goals in Teaching English Oral Communication Skill pdf 105
12832 Zuchri Abdussamad Zuchri Abdussamad : Turnitin The Determinants of Personality Formation of Public Services in the Local Government of Pohuwato Regency, Gorontalo pdf 105
12833 Magdalena Baga Magdalena Baga : Prior Study for the Biology and Economic Condition as Rapidly Environmental Change of Limboto Lake in Gorontalo, Indonesia pdf 105
12834 Mukhlisulfatih Latief peer review Development of e-learning content with H5P and iSpring features pdf 105
12835 Mukhlisulfatih Latief Cek plagiasi "Anti-cheating software tool" pdf 105
12836 Yanti Aneta Yanti Aneta : The Effect Of Work Motivation And Work Discipline On State Civil Apparatus (Asn) Performances In The Regional Civil Service Agency In Gorontalo Province pdf 105
12837 Fitryane Lihawa Fitryane Lihawa : Peereviewer Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Sparkol Videoscribe Yang Diintegrasikan Dengan Wondershare Filmora Pada Mata Pelajaran Geografi Materi Mitigasi Bencana Alam pdf 105
12838 Isnanto Isnanto : Relationship Between Educational Level of Students' Parent with Students Achievement at Elementary School pdf 105
12839 Isnanto Isnanto : Turnitin Problems Facing Teachers In Online Learning At State Elementary School In Gorontalo City pdf 105
12841 Rasuna Rasid Talib Rasuna Rasid Talib : Turnitin Empowering Dialog Reading Journal For Fostering Students' Awareness and Comprhension on Reading Text in EFL Classroom pdf 105
12842 Rasuna Rasid Talib Rasuna Rasid Talib : Peereviewer Kamus Istilah Adat Gorontalo pdf 105
12843 Vivien Novarina A. Kasim Vivien Novarina A. Kasim : Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects of lime (Citrus aurantifolia) peel extract in Balb/c mice infected by Salmonella typhi pdf 105
12844 Muziatun Muziatun : Peereviewer An Analysis of Hedging Devices on Students’ Presentation of Seminar on Language Based on The Gender pdf 105
12845 Muziatun Muziatun : Bukti Koresponden An Analysis of Hedging Devices on Students’ Presentation of Seminar on Language Based on The Gender pdf 105
12846 Tri Handayani Amaliah Tri Handayani Amaliah : Peereviewer Refleksi Nilai Di Balik Penetapan Harga UMOONU pdf 105
12847 Nilawaty Yusuf Nilawaty Yusuf : Peereviewer Madrasah Hijau Menuju Kota Hijau pdf 105
12848 Arwildayanto Examining the effectiveness of prodira policy on improving human development index at Province of Gorontalo pdf 105
12849 Ismet Sulila Ismet Sulila : Korespondensi The influence of Organizational Commitment and the quality of library services on the University Students’ Reading Interest pdf 105
12850 Ismet Sulila Laporan Hibah 2013 Harmonisasi Jaringan Sosial Sebagai Faktor Pendukung Dan Penghambat Pelayanan Publik Di Kabupaten Boalemo Provinsi Gorontalo pdf 105