No |
Pengunggah |
Unggahan |
Tipe |
Unduh |
16426 |
Wiwy Triyanty Pulukadang |
Wiwi Triyanty Pulukadang : Turnitin Development of integrated learning module on the development of Learning Devices |
pdf |
200 |
16427 |
Wiwy Triyanty Pulukadang |
Wiwi Triyanty Pulukadang : Turnitin Improving the Quality of Competency-Based Assessment through a Classroom Training Activity |
pdf |
141 |
16428 |
Wiwy Triyanty Pulukadang |
Wiwi Triyanty Pulukadang : Turnitin Integrated Learning Module Development on Department of PGSD Students, Gorontalo State University, Indonesia |
pdf |
125 |
16429 |
Wiwy Triyanty Pulukadang |
Wiwi Triyanty Pulukadang : Turnitin School Supervision Practices in the Indonesian Education System; Perspectives and Challenge |
pdf |
123 |
16430 |
Lusiana Margareth Tijow |
Woman sues right of her body integrity as the women right: the law implication and jurispuden analysis/court decision on the case of women as the victim of not fulfilment promise being married |
pdf |
248 |
16431 |
Sri Agriyanti Mestari |
Word Formation System Of Suwawa Language In Computer Program |
pdf |
328 |
16432 |
Kartin Lihawa |
Word Formation System of Suwawa Language Using Computer Program |
pdf |
838 |
16433 |
Kartin Lihawa |
Word Formation System of Suwawa Language in Computer Program |
pdf |
16434 |
Kartin Lihawa |
Word Formation System of Suwawa Language in Computer Program |
pdf |
585 |
16435 |
Rahman Taufiqrianto Dako |
Word Formation System of Suwawa Language in Computer Program |
pdf |
422 |
16436 |
Sri Agriyanti Mestari |
Word Formation System of Suwawa Language in Computer Program |
pdf |
429 |
16437 |
Meylan Saleh |
Workshop Pendidikan "Pemanfaatan Lingkungan Sebagai Media Sumber Belajar Di SDN 2 Limboto Kecamatan Limboto Kabupaten Gorontalo |
pdf |
499 |
16438 |
Meylan Saleh |
Workshop pendidikan karakter dalam menciptakan desa tangguh bencana melalui kegiatan parenting skill bagi orang tua di desa bulili, desa buntulia selatan, desa duhiadaa kecamatan duhiadaa kabupaten pohuwato |
pdf |
421 |
16439 |
Yulianto Kadji |
YULIANTO KADJI : REVISI PLAGIARISM "MIRA-Approach" Model in Implementation of E-Procurement System Policy within Ministry of Religious Affairs in Gorontalo Province |
pdf |
322 |
16440 |
Yulianto Kadji |
YULIANTO KADJI : REVISI PLAGIARISM "SMILE-Approach" Model in Implementation of NHI Policy in North Gorontalo District |
pdf |
235 |
16441 |
Yulianto Kadji |
YULIANTO KADJI : REVISI PLAGIARISM Effect of Training Participation, Entrepreneurship Motivation and Market Access Ability on Sales Performance of Karawo Craftsmen in Gorontalo Province |
pdf |
269 |
16442 |
Yulianto Kadji |
YULIANTO KADJI : REVISI PLAGIARISM Guru Dalam Pusaran Politik Di Daerah (Studi Kasus Di Kota Gorontalo) |
pdf |
139 |
16443 |
Yulianto Kadji |
pdf |
228 |
16444 |
Yulianto Kadji |
YULIANTO KADJI : REVISI PLAGIARISM Institutional Revitalization in Public Sector: A Case Study at State Electricity Company in Gorontalo Province, Indonesia |
pdf |
227 |
16445 |
Yulianto Kadji |
YULIANTO KADJI : REVISI PLAGIARISM Officials Perception on Regional Performance Support Policy (TKD) |
pdf |
574 |
16446 |
Yulianto Kadji |
YULIANTO KADJI : REVISI PLAGIARISM Pemetaan Dampak Implementasi Kebijakan Pendidikan Bersubsidi |
pdf |
203 |
16447 |
Yulianto Kadji |
YULIANTO KADJI : REVISI PLAGIARISM Rekonstruksi Model Penilaian Aparatur Terhadap Penyelengaraan Pemerintahan Di Provinsi Gorontalo |
pdf |
176 |
16448 |
Yulianto Kadji |
YULIANTO KADJI : REVISI PLAGIARISM The Implementation of Teacher Profession Benefit Policy in Improving Teacher Professionalism of State Senior High School in Gorontalo City |
pdf |
417 |
16449 |
Yulianto Kadji |
YULIANTO KADJI REVISI PLAGIARISM Integrative Model of Nussp Program Policy Implementation in the Poor Community Empowerment Based on Tridaya |
pdf |
349 |
16450 |
Yanti Aneta |
Yanti Aneta : Analisis Fungsi Perencanaan pada Pengembangan Sistem Transportasi Publik di Provinsi Gorontalolo |
pdf |
436 |